Perspectives is the journal of The Christian Community in the English language. It is published in the UK.
Published quarterly (starting in December), it contains articles on religious and theological themes as well as news about Christian Community events. The first issue of the year also contains a listing of the Gospel readings for the coming year.
Recent issues have included articles on Forgiveness, Leadership and the Reformation.
We are now trying out a new way of sharing our content, via a Substack blog. Please have a look via this link and subscribe if you are interested. At the moment, subscriptions are free.
We now offer a variety of ways of subscribing.
We now have the facility to subscribe and renew your subscription online, using PayPal. You don’t need to have a PayPal account to do this. If you need help, you can email us via the contact form.
You can take out an E-Subscription which automatically renews every year, using PayPal. This can be for yourself or someone to whom you wish to make a gift. The recipient will receive a link to download a PDF file of the new issue as soon as it goes to print. This is all available via this link.
You can take out a new postal subscription by sending us your details. We will then get in touch with details about how to pay. You can do that via this link.
You can renew your postal subscription via this link.
You can view previous issues via this link. Please let us know which issue(s) you require and we will be in touch with details of how to download them and pay. Issues from the last 12 months cost £3.75. All other issues cost £1.
To see the website of The Christian Community in the UK and Ireland, click here.