Update for Forest Row for Sunday, 14th April, 2024

The good shepherd (John 10)

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

John 10:11

As part of their Ordination, priests in The Christian Community receive an anointing with oil. As the oil is placed on the crown of their head, they are told that the Spirit-God will work through them, when they put their being in connection with the being of their congregation. This promise is the basis of the priest’s role – a dual covenant with the spiritual world, as well as between priests and their congregations. This is why we try to support priests in their life as vocational workers, to enable them to work, rather than paying them wages.

The Act of Consecration of Man includes a process of ‘membering in’, starting with the statement of intent the opening words, worthily to fulfil the Act, and passing through moments when it becomes apparent that the congregation has one soul and one heart. In the Transubstantiation we experience how the congregation can think and even ‘know’ Christ collectively. Looked at in this way, membership is dynamic and it is renewed in every service. The counterpart to this is the formal process of becoming a member, which involves conversations with a priest to raise into awareness what we have perhaps already been living for years: that this is our spiritual home, where our names are written in the Book of Life of the congregation.

The commitment we make as members by participating in the service, as well as through the formal act of joining The Christian Community, meets the dual covenant of the Ordination, which is implicit in the mention of the congregations into which the newly ordained priests will be sent: without the commitment of members of the congregations (in both senses), there would be nowhere for the priests to fulfil their promise to the spiritual world.

Tom Ravetz

The study group on the Old Testament has recommenced. In the next two sessions (18th and 25th April), we will turn to the story of Joseph. The story is told in the Book of Genesis, chapters 37-45. The group is open to everyone, including newcomers!

We are still in need of servers! Please let Nataliia know if you would like to learn to serve.

We have had several kind offers of accommodation for Peter Selg, and the need has been answered. Thank you to those who offered.

Please support us at the House and Garden morning on Saturday, 12th April, 10am-noon.

Tom will be in Ringwood 12th-13th April.

Tom Ravetz and Nataliia Shatna


The new issue of Perspectives is available in the church.

More information is available in the leaflet below.


Tom will be in Ringwood 12th-13th April.


Support The Christian Community

To make a one off donation or to set up a monthly standing order, please use the account details below

Account Name: The Christian Community in Forest Row
Sort Code 30-92-92
Account Number: 00012363
Lloyds TSB, 1/3 London Road, East Grinstead
West Sussex RH19 1AH

If you are a UK Taxpayer, we can claim tax back on your donation if you fill in a gift aid form. You will find one here, which you can download and return to us (signed and scanned is fine)

You can also donate using PayPal, using a credit or debit card.

Find us

School Lane / Hartfield Road
Forest Row
East Sussex
RH18 5DZ

Find us via Google Maps

Priests of the community: Tom Ravetz and Nataliia Shatna. Contact us on the church email or using the form below.

Gospel readings for 2023-24

Current programme


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